Techincal Standards:
D.Lgs. 81/08
International Standards
Safety of the Workplaces and of the Industrial factories
International Health and Safety requirements require particular attention to the work place and to working conditions.
The safety directives are addressed to all activities, both public and private, and involve all figures in the company: from the Employer to the Workers.
The most important document is the company’s general Safety Plan, where risk assessment represents the main part of it.
Risk analysis & assessment is one of an Employer’s main obligations the and represents an important attestation of all the prevention and protection measures that have been adopted inside the company in order to improve the safety levels.
In order to carry out the risk assessment of a workplace, it is necessary to identify all the dangers connected to the activity carried out and which derive from the working environment.

NEMOTEC offers support in all areas of Health and Occupational Safety, including those related to the management of external personnel, preparing the necessary documentation and helping to verify the appropriate regulatory requirements for access to the workplace.
We offer specialized services:
- Analysis of the risks present in the Workplaces
- Operative & Maintenance Task Analysis and Training
- Verification of regulatory compliance of plants and workplaces
- Analysis and Organization of workplaces, work areas, equipment zones
- Analysis and organization of the company road network with vehicles and forklifts
- Analysis and classification of plants under pressure, DM 329/04
- Analysis and classification of potentially explosive areas
- Analysis and risks arising from physical agents, chemicals, fire
- Analysis of the ergonomics of the tasks and the workplace
- Drafting of DUVRI, safety plans, training plans for external staff
- Interface with agencies and local authorities (Government Agencies, Notified Bodies)