Safety c/o external Shipyards and Sites

We have trained and qualified personnel to manage the safety of civil and industrial shipyards and external sites, we have been gaining experience since 2004 in coordinating safety (and quality) activities (e di qualità) for shipyards, particularly in the military (Italian Navy).

We also support our client companies in the management of the documentation necessary to work in external workplaces (at construction sites or at other sites), in the evaluation of tasks, in the management of interference risks, up to the role of Safety Coordinator (a figure chosen by the contracting station).

Safety c/o external Shipyards and Sites

Our services:

  • Drafting of Safety Plans
  • Drafting of Combined Interference Risk Assessment Report (in Italy named “DUVRI”)
  • Safety and Coordination Plans (PSC, civil construction sites)
  • Assignments of Safety Officer and/or Safety Coordinator
  • Evaluation of external workplaces
  • Definition of training plans for staff
  • Definition of work procedures and management of construction sites
  • Verification of technical and professional requirements of suppliers and subcontractors
  • Inspections and Audit activities for external workplaces and construction sites
  • Interface with agencies and local authorities (Government Agencies, Notified Bodies)

NEMOTEC combines the services of Safety in the Workplace with the services of coordination of site activities and in particular Quality Inspections.


Cavour aircraft carrier